Palm Harbor Little League Palm Harbor, FL

News Detail


Nov, 2024

General Member Meeting Minutes

PHLL BOD Meeting 10/14/2024

Dan called meeting to order at 6:05 PM


Dan Abramowitz

Lisa Kaiser

Ashley Salterfield

Katherine Heatherly

Kimberly Muntges

Connor Strunk

Colin Castle

Zack Alli

Jennifer Lich

Heather Cheek

Dan Burton

Marrissa Goar

Larry Johnson

Gregory Owens

Brien Bourbeau

Sim Zugur

Previous Meeting Minutes - Motion to approve last meeting minutes by Dan Burton, Brien Bourbeau, unanimously approved

Treasurer Report: Larry Johnson

VP Baseball Report

  • T-Ball through AA: Collin Castle

    • We are beginning games/practices earlier to accommodate light situations. 

  • AAA through Majors: Shane S.

    • AAA: Tournament is pushed back to November 1, 2024. The hope is to go straight from there to the end of season tournament.

      • There was a situation with one of our AAA coaches and their fathers. He made derogatory remarks towards an umpire. A disciplinary meeting was had earlier this evening. The committee recommends that the dugout coach will be suspended for 1 game. The committee recommendation for the dad of the dugout coach is to take a course called “The Diamond Leader” in addition to a 2 game suspension and volunteering 2 times in the concession stand. This suspension from games includes ones at home and away. The suspension will be enforced by calling law enforcement and asking that the man be trespassed. Another option is to utilize the umpire and eject the manager of the team if the man does not leave. We have discussed adding more information into the bylaws so that there are objective consequences. 

    • Majors: Really good feedback from the AB tournament. All games are pushed to field 4. We are utilizing field 2 cages. We want to get two teams practice on field 4. We are allowing all teams practice on field 2 until dark.  Juniors/Seniors: Zack Alli

    • Addressed light situations. A couple of games were moved to other fields, we just had to set up umpires. These players have practiced at Putnam.

VP Softball Report

  • Softball: Dan Burton

    • We are down to one field due to light situations. All is well other than that. 

    • Discuss doing double headers on Saturdays/Sunday to accommodate all games.

Information Officer Report:

  • Cleanup this weekend was a success. 40+ people showed up.

Safety Officer Report:

  • Nothing to report.

UIC Report:

  • Lisa is working on accommodating the additional games scheduled with umpires.

Coaching Coordinator Report:

  • The two game suspension for the grandfather does not start until he completes the course and volunteers in the concession stand.

  • Motion to approve the consequence for James Ross II by Heather Cheek, seconded by Dan Burton, passed unanimously.

  • Motion to approve the consequence for James Ross I by Katherine Heatherley, seconded by Greg Owens, passed unanimously.

  • Larry Johnson to deliver the news to James Ross I and James Ross II. An email will be sent by the board in addition to a phone conversation.

Player Agent Report: Larry Johson

  • Nothing to report.

Presidents Report:

  • Recapped the storm situation with the coaches, parents, and community

  • Donations: Collin is talking to FEMA regarding donations. Dan reached out to the Blue Jays. Lisa is working with Dicks Sporting Goods on a grant/donation for fields that were ruined by the storm. Lisa to reach out to the Blue Jays. Dan will reach out to the Rays.

  • Hurricane Damage: 5-6’ of storm surge onto the fields, numerous balls were ruined, south end of the lights were fried, pitching machines were ruined

  • Remediation: 

    • Electric: We have a call out to the company that installed the lights to see if they can be repaired. An electrician came out in between the two storms and stated that we need to start at the panel and work our way back to see if we can repair it.

    • Fencing: Smith Fence has been called to repair field 2. Pictures and dimensions were sent to Smith Fence. We are waiting for their response when they can fit us in. 

    • Netting: Gorilla Net notified us that they will be back in the next week or two to drop the net. James is starting tomorrow on field 4. Collin suggests that we bring netting all the way to the ground instead of the fencing. Smaller backstop. Better visual impact.

    • Uneven Fields: We have a bunch of dirt that we are able to fit in the ruts to begin to level it all out. Ruts are the priority; the fence is the second. 

  • End of the year email report will be sent out at the end of next week with financial updates, project updates, donation link, etc.

New Business:

  • Steven Lynford Palm Harbor Parks and Recreation: Steven and Dan are working together on outdoor schedules, rentals, facilities, remediation, etc. Steve is here to answer questions and take suggestions.

    • Projects that PHPP are working on: netting, new net systems with no fence, new fencing, new home plates, new clay, etc.

    • There are claims being submitted to insurance companies regarding hurricane damage. An adjuster has already been assigned. Dan is to note everything that has been damaged. 

-            Dual registration discussion (Kelly and Hockney)

o   We have two kids who are playing on 50/70 and they would like to play under Safety Harbor for Juniors for the fall season since PHLL did not offer a juniors team this season.

o   Dan clarified with Eric, our district administrator, that these players can play up and play down since they are league age 13.

o   Motion to approve dual registration by Brian, seconds by Kim Muntges, unanimously passed

-            Fall Fest – November 16th, 2024

o   Details: Bounce house, toddler obstacle course, dunk tank (paid per play), pay to nominate who you want to dunk, dodgeball, face painter, hair braider with color – she will charge per person instead of us paying her, petting zoo for 2 hours, pitching game, ring tosses, these can be pay to play, Jeremiah’s ice will be there, movie screen/projector prices, Collin to help out with speaker system for that, decorative hay, gaga ball pit, pitching radar machine. No food/drink policy, increase prices at concession plans, feast donation boxes, tournament prices. Recommends NOT charging to get in. 430PM-630PM will be the first part of the festival, the second half will be for the movie. 16 ft seems to be the screen with the best reviews, from the size, we will rent a projector.  Looking for local businesses to be vendors.  Larry to research radar guns.

o   Approving Budget: $3500

o   Motion to approve $3500 budget by Collin Castle, Jen Lich seconds, unanimously approved

-            Trunk or Treat –  $200 budget

-            Sunshades will go in after some damage is repaired. Field 1 will go up next week. Permit pending. Sunshades may not be completed until after Fall season.

-            Committees – mandatory 1 committee, no more than 2 committees, 3-5 people per committee, the goal of committees is for this committee to meet in between each meeting

o   Concession – Lisa Kaiser, Jen Lich, Shane Bozeat, Heather Cheek, Chris Fasting, Collin Castle to help with technology

o   Equipment/Field/Property – Sim, Collin, Marissa, Shane B

o   Finance/Budget – Ashley, Dan, Larry, Kim, Lisa

o   Audit – Larry, Lisa, Conner

o   Bylaw – Greg Owens, Katherine Heatherley, Dan A., Marissa Goar

o   Disciplinary – Conner, Shane, Colling Larry, Zack, Jen, Brian – Conner, Brian, Jen are core (not managers, impartial view; depending on situation, VP’s will get involved)

o   Events – Heather, Ashley, Dan, Kim, Sim

o   Fundraising/Sponsorship – Collin, John, Megan, Katherine, Dan

o   Manager Selection – Greg, Brian, Larry

o   All Star – Larry, Dan B, Katherine, Dan A, Kim – Lisa to help

o   Parks and Recreation – Dan, Jen, Collin

-            Consulting group (Collin) – they would create a conceptual drawing and budget together so that we can bring to donors, this can go in at the year end update, have a sign made with a QR code for donations

-            Internet in concession stands – Verizon currently, we have been paying the bill but we do not have access to the account. The data ran out recently. We will ask Chris to check into this. If we want security cameras, game changer streams, etc., we will need to have WiFi. We can do a spectrum business account through Collin, potentially. Equipment would go outside of the blue building and would send signals throughout the fields, point to point. One option is Ring Smart Pro – solar, get them to every field, concession, etc.

Meeting End: 8:02 PM - Meeting adjourned by Heather Cheek, Kim second, all in favor.

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